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RRB RPF 2023 Results


1. RRB RPF 2023 Results Overview
The RRB JE Vacancy 2023 will be announced in conjunction with the RRB JE Notification 2023. The most recent RRB JE Recruitment was in 2019, with 13,487 RRB JE Vacancies issued for the positions of Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), and Chemical and metallurgical Assistant (CMA). The RRB RPF 2023 Computer-based results will be released soon. The complete details about Important dates about RRB RPF Results, and how to download the RRB RPF results for 2023 are given in this blog.
2. RRB RPF Result 2023 Constable/ SI Important Dates
Events | Dates |
RPF SI CBT Exam Date | July 2023 (Tentative) |
RPF SI Result Declaration | September 2023 (Tentative) |
3. How to Download RRB RPF Result 2023?
After the exam, the RPF will post the results for the RPF SI and Constable 2023 recruitment on its official website. Candidates can download the RPF SI and Constable Result 2023 by following the processes outlined below.
- Visit the official website of RRB RPF
- Go to the RPF constable/SI 2023 results button.
- The RPF SI Result will be shown in PDF format on your screen.
- Now, save the RPF SI result to your computer and print it out for future reference.
4. RRB RPF SI and constable Minimum Qualifying Marks
The minimal qualifying marks required to pass the RRB RPF CBT round are listed in the table below. Take careful note of the relevant material and ace your preparation to score more points than indicated in the table below.
Category | Qualifying Marks |
General/OBC | 35% |
SC and ST | 30% |
5. RRB RPF constable/SI 2023 results
The RRB RPF 2023 constable and SI computer-based test results will be announced soon. The results will be published on the official website of the railway police force. The link to the RRB RPF 2023 constable and SI CBT exam results will be available in this blog. Candidates must stay updated with the latest information about RPF 2023 recruitment.
6. FAQ's
1. When will the RRB RPF constable 2023 CBT exam results be released?
Ans. The RRB RPF constable 2023 CBT exam results will be released soon.
2. What are the minimum qualifying marks for the RRB RPF 2023 CBT exam?
Ans. The minimum qualifying marks for the RRB RPF 2023 CBT exam for General/OBC is 35% and SC and ST is 30%.
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