1. RRB NTPC Exam Pattern For CBT 1 & CBT 2

If you are an aspirant looking to excel in the  RRB NTPS Exam, then it is vital to understand the RRB NTPC 2023 exam pattern for CBT 1 and CBT 2. In this blog, you find all the answers related to the RRB NTPC Exam Selection Process. Exam pattern for CBT 1 and CBT 2, RRB NTPC Computer Based Aptitude Test ( CBAT) and Typing Skill Test.

The RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories notification for 2023  is yet to be announced by the RRB recruitment board. We can expect a huge number of openings for posts related to RRB NTPC.  According to qualifications, candidates can apply for posts in various railway zones and production units in India  Railways.

  • Junior Clerk cum Typist
  • Traffic Assistant
  • Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
  • Goods Guard
  • Trains Clerk
  • Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
  • Accounts Clerk cum Typist
  • Senior Clerk cum Typist
  • Junior Time Keeper 
  • Junior Account Assistant cum Typist
  • Senior Time Keeper
  • Commercial Apprentice 
  • Station Master 

2. RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2023: Selection Process

The Railway Recruitment Board of India follows distinct forms of exam patterns in its selection process. In which, the  RRB NTPC recruitment involves 3 different stages.

  1. Stage 1 Computer-Based Test
  2. Stage 2 Computer-Based Test
  3. Typing Skill Test or Computer-Based Aptitude Test & 
  4. Final Document Verification.

The selection process for RRB NTPC strictly follows the merit list procedure. Where it will be created based on the performance of the candidates.He/She should go through each stage of the exam and get qualified to the next level of exam with distinction. As there are different posts in RRB NTPC, the exams for each post are also different. Below is the summary of the selection process for RRB NTPC.

2.1 Selection Process For RRB NTPC 



Name of the post Level in 7th


1st Stage of  CBT 2nd Stage of CBT 3rd Stage Skill Test
1 Junior Clerk cum


2 Common for All posts Common Exam For all Level 2 Posts Typing Skills
2 Accounts Clerk cum


2 Typing Skills
3 Junior Time Keeper 2 Typing Skills
4 Trains Clerk 2
5 Commercial cum

Ticket Clerk

3 Only For   Level 3 post
6 Traffic Assistant 4 Only For Level 4 post Computer Based Aptitude Test
7 Goods Guard 5 Common Exam

For All Level 5 posts

8 Senior Commercial

cum Ticket Clerk

9 Senior Clerk cum


5 Typing Skills
10 Junior Account

Assistant cum Typist

5 Typing Skills
11 Senior Time Keeper 5 Typing Skills
12 Commercial


6 Only  For all Level 6  posts
13 Station Master 6 Computer Based Aptitude Test


Candidates can choose any English language or any other local language for attending the exams. While submitting the application process students can select their desired language from the drop-down menu. Languages listed in the menu are Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

3. RRB NTPC Stage-1 Exam Pattern

  • The Stage 1  exam of the RRB NTPC exam is a Computer-Based Exam (CBT) and is conducted in objective type.
Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
Mathematics 30 30 90 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning  30 30
General Awareness 40 40
Total 100 100


  • There will be  3 subjects in  Stage-1 RRB NTPC Exam
  • IThe stage 1 RRB NTPS is conducted for 100 marks.
  • Candidates should answer  100 questions in 90 minutes ie 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • There will be a penalty of ⅓ mark for each wrong answer.
  • For PWD candidates the exam duration is 120 minutes 
  • The Stage- 1 Exam is taken into consideration for screen purposes. 
  • The level of questions will be in standard form.

4. RRB NTPC Stage-2 Exam Pattern

  • Candidates qualified in Stage 1 will only to able to attend Stage-2  RRB NTPC exam.
  •  The RRB NTPC Stage-2 exam is also conducted in CBT format for 120 marks.
  • Candidates should answer 120 questions in 90 minutes.
  • For every wrong answer, ⅓ of the mark is deducted.
  • There will be an increase in the level of questions.
  • Different exams are conducted for different posts.
S.No Subjects No. Of Questions Marks Duration
1 General Awareness 50 50 90 Minutes
2 Mathematics 35 35
3 General Intelligence & Reasoning 35 35
Total 120 120

5. RRB NTPC Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)

RRB NTPC Computer-Based Aptitude is  Stage- 3 of the selection procedure. It is conducted for candidates who opted for Station Master and Traffic Assistant posts. 

  • The minimum score required for qualifying for the RRB Computer-Based Exam is 42 marks.
  • There will be no relaxation while considering the minimum number of marks in the T-Score. It is applicable to every candidate irrespective of their community.
  • It is important that the candidate who applied for posts SM/ST should qualify in each and every  CBAT test.
  • There will be no Negative marking for the Stage 3 CBAT test.
  • Candidates having 70% of marks in CBAT will only be considered for the merit list.
  • In addition, 30% of  Computer Test Marks of Stages -1 & 2 will also be taken into consideration.

6. Typing Skill Test (TST)

The minimum requirement for qualification in Typing skills is 

  • 30 WPM ( words per minute)  in English or 25 WPM  for Hindi Typing.
  • This will be the final round for qualifying nature for  RRB NTPC posts.

7. Document Verification (DV)

Depending on the candidate’s performance in the 2nd Stage of the exam Test and  Computer-Based Aptitude Test or Typic Skills students are selected as per the merit list and called for Document Verification.

8. FAQ's

1. What are the qualifying marks for the RRB NTPC Computer-Based Aptitude Test?

Ans. The qualifying mark for the RRB NTPC Computer-Based Aptitude Test is  45 marks. Students need to get qualified in every test conducted which is related to Station Master and Traffic Assistant posts.

2. What is the level of exam in RRB NTPC stage 2 CBT?

Ans. The RRB NTPC Stage 2 exam is said to be a bit lengthy paper and the questions range from moderate level to difficult level in the General Awareness section and Current Affairs.

3. What is the required typing speed in RRB NTPC?

Ans. The required typing speed in RRB NTPC 2023 is 30 WPM for English and 25 WPM for Hindi. There will be no editing tools and spellcheck students should be alert in the RRB NTPS typing test.

4. Do we have a negative mark for the RRB NTPC 2023 Exam?

Ans. Yes, we do have a negative mark in the RRB NTPC2023 Exam. It can be considered as a penalty for a wrong answer. Both the Computer-Based Test ie Stage-1 and Stage-2.

5. How many stages are there in the RRB NTPC 2023 Exam?

Ans. There are three stages in RRB NTPC 2023 Exam

Stage 1 Computer-Based Test

Stage 2 Computer-Based Test

Stage 3  Typicing Test/ CBAT

Stage 4 Final Document Verification.

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